Paolo Bisogni was confirmed at the top of ELA, European Logistics Association. He was re-elected on Thursday 24 June by the General Assembly of the Association, gathered by videoconference to elect its governing bodies for the two-year period 2021-2023, to approve the financial statements and to analyze the results achieved and future objectives.
Also the hithertomembers of the executive committee were confirmed for the positive results achieved: the two Vice Presidents, Alfonz Antoni, Hungarian and Roman Stiftner, Austrian; Péter Kiss (Hungary, Treasurer) and Adriana Palasan (Romania, Secretary General). As third Vice President Kevin Richardson, Managing Director of CILT UK, the Chartered Institute for Logistics and Transport, strengthen the executive committee.
With the elections on Thursday, the entire ELA board has been renewed: in addition to the six members of the Executive Committee, the people who will lead the Association over the next two years are:
José Estrada (Spain), Katarina Giertz (Sweden), Didier Granger (France), Konstantinos Haniotis (Greece), Danuta Kisperska-Moroń (Poland), Markus Mau (Germany), Xavier Rius (Spain), Mirek Rumler (Czech Republic).
During the assembly, the pillars of the association’s strategy were emphasized: to increasingly develop the role of a „think-tank” and advisor to the European institutions; foster networking among supply chain professionals; promote coordination and synergy between businesses and research; promote the professional development of the female component of supply chain management.
ELA ( is the European federation of logistics management associations. It represents a network of over 50,000 professionals in Europe and neighbouring countries. Currently its direct members are:
AILOG, Italy; AMDL, Morocco; APLOG, Portugal; ARILOG, Romania; BVL, Austria; BVL, Germany; CILT – Ireland; CILT – UK; CEL and ICIL (Spain); CLA, Czech Republic; C4L, Luxembourg; France Supply Chain by ASLOG, France; GS1, Switzerland; HALPIM, Hungary; HILME, Greece; LOGY, Finland; NLA, Russian Federation; PTL, Poland; KLC, Kazakhstan; SILF, Sweden; SLA, Slovenia; ULC, Ukraine.